Welcome to the new home of Garage Politics. You will find that the interface has been simplified and the amount of information stored here has been scaled to stay in line with our operation and following. Much has changed since our last broadcast nearly twelve years ago but, life goes on.
The GP team is down to Buzz and Patriot but, that’s more about life growth and changes than any real desire to part ways. Jack and his lovely wife have migrated out West to setup their homestead and “Guitar” Don is running a string of successful music schools in South Carolina. We miss our Garage brothers a great deal but we will move forward until time and providence lead us to opportunities to work together once more. Even with the changes we are still passionate about our liberty, our God given rights and our heritage. We are still all about the truth, the constitution, freedom and liberty. We are working right now to prepare the setup and infrastructure in the garage so we are ready to return. I will be sending out e-mail notices to everyone I know shortly and we will be promoting the return of the show on Facebook, Twitter and anywhere else we can get the word out.
I expect to have a notice for the community coming up in the next two to three weeks regarding our chosen platform for broadcast and then you’ll know where the Garage Kings will return. We aren’t guessing like we did over the past few years. We have the infrastructure setup. We have the location setup. We are working on the format, rehearsing our roles in the show, testing the new equipment and I’m updating the website as you can see. Check back her at Garage Politics in the coming weeks for updates.
The Garage will open again soon. The wait is almost over.
Check out our Social Media links to the right hand side of the page and look for information and posts there as well.
Warmest Regards,
The Common Patriot