The garage crew opened the door last night and returned with their first regular broadcast…
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The garage crew opened the door last night and returned with their first regular broadcast…
Continue readingWelcome to the new home of Garage Politics. You will find that the interface has been simplified and the amount of information stored here has been scaled to stay in line with our operation and following. Much has changed since our last broadcast nearly twelve years ago but, life goes …
Continue readingAt long last the return is here. Last night Buzz and I completed the final sound and video test…
Continue readingToday is a momentous occasion for two particular reasons. First and foremost we are one step closer to seeing the constitutional guarantee of “Life”…
Continue readingThat was what we promised one another and the world as we felt the mix of boundless anger, intense sadness and togetherness we experienced once the fear and horror of that morning began to pass. We assured each other that we would remember the uniting impetus of our generational tragedy …
Continue readingThe future of civilization is our children. Our progeny will lead the world into a future we can only imagine as it was with our ancestors. We pour time, money, and resources into educating, instructing, molding, and exhorting our children into adulthood so that they can go forth into life …
Continue readingI am positive that this has been utilized ad nauseam over the years for any number of references by countless authors and commentators. The line itself comes from George Orwell’s 1984. It’s fascinating but I’ve read this reference utilized by myriad bloggers and news people to make cases that are …
Continue readingOur culture is simply rife with aphorisms pertaining to our belief in work ethic as well as an adherence to truth and solid values. Of course, the risk here is that our reliance on truth and common sense has morphed into the realm of platitude with the most recent generations. Our leaders …
Continue readingTwo days from now “We the People” will rouse from our comfortable, emotion laden thrones and deign to exercise our constitutional duty as voters once more. We will turn our attention momentarily from “Dancing with the stars”, “The walking dead”, “Game of thrones”, “The real housewives of” wherever or our …
Continue readingFamously uttered by John Adams in his defense of the British soldiers who participated in the Boston Massacre the entire quote admonishes that “Facts are stubborn things, and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” …
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